Thursday, June 12, 2014
Self and Design Evaluation
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Log Entry 6/3/2014
I went to the lighthouse on May 29 to give my survey to a sophomore AutoCAD class. After they completed my surveys, I completed my testing results and analysis. Feedback for the Riker boxes was mostly positive.. Since then, we have had our senior project night. Teachers, students and families came to Sandy Hook to view all of the 2014 Senior Projects. The Fine Balmy Night was a success and we received a lot of positive feedback on our Sandy Hook Interactive Herbarium display. Alfonse said it was the best senior project night we've had in thirty years. This week I plan to complete my final exam self evaluation and begin clearing out the lab.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Friday, May 23, 2014
Log Entry 5/23/14
I finished and posted my Progress Poster in the beginning of the week. This week, we are focusing on printing and mounting the posters in preparation of the Fine Balmy Night presentations. This class, I am printing my testing surveys in order to conduct my testing this afternoon with a group of sophomore students in the Lighthouse Keeper's Quarters.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Monday, May 19, 2014
Log Entry 5/19/2014
On Thursday of last week, the DFR class of this year and next year took a trip to Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania. On Friday, a few more plants were collected and are currently drying in the plant press. Today, I completed my testing. After meeting with Alfonse, I revised and changed some of the questions. I plan to administer the survey to visitors of the Lighthouse Keeper's Quarters or the Park Rangers that work there. I also completed most of my poster today. The only thing left to do is add pictures. Because the USB adapter was not in class today, I need to wait until tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Originally, when choosing a design for our Riker boxes, we focused on a variety of criteria. The solutions were judged based on usability, aesthetics, maneuverability, accuracy, accessibility and whether or not it was informative.
The Plant Pressing Department's final product is the collection of finished Riker boxes. Each finished Riker boxes includes a specimen that is pressed, mounted and sealed with silica packets. The box includes three labels: two on the front and one on the back. The front labels includes Common Name, Scientific Name, Date Collected, Location Zone and the MAST Class who collected the specimen. The back label includes the Size, General Characteristics and Interesting Facts about the plant, along with a picture and a QR code linking to the website. The quality of our finished product is evaluated by how well it satisfies these questions:
Is the label accessible to the average viewer?
The Plant Pressing Department's final product is the collection of finished Riker boxes. Each finished Riker boxes includes a specimen that is pressed, mounted and sealed with silica packets. The box includes three labels: two on the front and one on the back. The front labels includes Common Name, Scientific Name, Date Collected, Location Zone and the MAST Class who collected the specimen. The back label includes the Size, General Characteristics and Interesting Facts about the plant, along with a picture and a QR code linking to the website. The quality of our finished product is evaluated by how well it satisfies these questions:
Is the label accessible to the average viewer?
- Are the facts understandable by an average person?
- Are the facts cohesive and relevant?
- Is the font large enough and readable?
- Is the picture an accurate representation of the specimen?
- Is it picture clear and easy to see?
- Are all the characteristics true and correct?
- Does the color code of the label correspond with the zone?
- Are there any mechanical or spelling errors?
- Is the Riker box an effective representation of the plant?
Is the plant specimen accurate?
- Is the specimen sufficient representation of the species?
- Are the size, color and special features (such as flowers, buds and burrs) all similar to the characteristics of the plant in the wild?
- Is the specimen accessible online through the QR code?
- Is the Riker box clean and free of debris?
- Is it Riker box in a condition suitable for being handled by the public?
I created a survey in Google Docs. The survey would be administered along with a a Riker box in order to determine the quality of the finished product. The person answering the survey would refer to the given specimen in order to answer the questions.
Log Entry 5/13/2014
Yesterday was a field collection day. We went to the bike path and collected plants from behind the building. We found tall purple flowers, small yellow flowers, and what we believe to be Lamb's Ear. Those plants are currently in the plant press and will be there for the next few weeks. We took many pictures in the field. Today I plan to continue working on my survey for testing.
Friday, May 9, 2014
Lighthouse Display Pictures
This week, members of the Sandy Hook Interactive Herbarium set up ax exhibit in the Lightkeepers' Quarters at the Sandy Hook Lighthouse for visitors of the hook.
Fort Hancock Ranger with our Sandy Hook Interactive Herbarium Display in the Sandy Hook Lightkeepers' Quarters |
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Log Entry 5/8/2014
Today, we went back down to the lighthouse for the third time to add labels to the Riker box display. We added two signs that say "Handle With Care" and "Use your smartphones to scan QR codes on the back of Riker boxes." We wanted to make sure the public knew they could touch the Riker boxes to read them. We have given quick tutorials to a few of the rangers present in the lighthouse keepers' quarters when we visit. We plan to switch out plants in the display periodically. We plan to add a large sign that reads "The Sandy Hook Interactive Herbarium" above our display in the corner of the lighthouse keepers' quarters.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Log Entry 5/6/2014
Today, the Herbarium will be going down to the Lighthouse to set up our Interactive Herbarium display. All of last week and yesterday was dedicated to preparing our display to best represent the work we have completed this year. Our display includes our bookcase with the Label Key, Artistic Renderings and Specimens, an informative poster and our IPad slideshow.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Log Entry 5/1/2014
Yesterday, the DFR class took a trip to the Statue of Liberty and Stevens Institute of Technology for their project expo. Today, I plan to finish up everything that needs to be done for the Lighthouse event on Tuesday.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Log Entry 4/29/2014
Today we are finishing up things for the Herbarium display. We plan to move the entire display to the Sandy Hook vistors' center at the Sandy Hook Lighthouse on Tuesday of next week. We will make changed to our iPad display, finalize our informational poster and update Riker boxes for our bookcase display. I helped Tad add captions to our iPad display.
Monday, April 28, 2014
Log Entry 4/28/2014
This week I plan to create labels for plants that had been previously identified. This includes Seaside Primrose and Yellow loosestrife or Rosa virginiana. Wednesday, we will be attending an expo at Stevens Institute of Technology and will visit the Statue of Liberty. Some of the junior class will be coming with us.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Log Entry 4/25/2014
This week I completed the Riker boxes and labels for Wormwood and Winged Sumac specimens. Yesterday, I worked with Tad on the poster for our Interactive Herbarium display. We came up with some factual information about the Riker boxes and the specimens themselves, to present to the visitors of Sandy Hook. Today, I plan to go through the cabinet and tie up any loose ends with Riker boxes that are unlabeled or unidentified. I also assisted Alex with creating a website referral page for each of the zones represented in the Herbarium. I also went down to the lab to check out the photography equipment.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Final Product
The Sandy Hook Interactive Herbarium is an ongoing, five-year project for the Directed Field Research program. Therefore, all of the work completed this year is not the end of the project, but rather progress toward the end result. The end result for the entire Herbarium is so create a resource of the indigenous plants present on Sandy Hook that is accurate, informative and accessible to the public.
The finished product for the Plant Pressing department of the Herbarium is the actual specimens, displayed in Riker boxes. The Riker boxes need to include the specimens in a manner that displays all aspects of the plant, including stems, leaves, roots, flowers, buds, berries and other special characteristics.
My specific role in the Plant Pressing department is to create the front and back labels for the finished Riker boxes. The labels on the Riker boxes must be informative and accurate, and presented in language that is clear to a common reader. The labels on all the Riker boxes will all follow the same format. We plan to have between twenty and thirty finished specimens by the end of the year.
Next year's group will pick up where we left off. They will collect, identify, press, mount, research and label their own specimens. They will also complete the specimens that we had not. We have made very large strides forward with our specimens this year and we are proud of our progress.
The finished product for the Plant Pressing department of the Herbarium is the actual specimens, displayed in Riker boxes. The Riker boxes need to include the specimens in a manner that displays all aspects of the plant, including stems, leaves, roots, flowers, buds, berries and other special characteristics.
My specific role in the Plant Pressing department is to create the front and back labels for the finished Riker boxes. The labels on the Riker boxes must be informative and accurate, and presented in language that is clear to a common reader. The labels on all the Riker boxes will all follow the same format. We plan to have between twenty and thirty finished specimens by the end of the year.
Next year's group will pick up where we left off. They will collect, identify, press, mount, research and label their own specimens. They will also complete the specimens that we had not. We have made very large strides forward with our specimens this year and we are proud of our progress.
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Female American Pokeweed, Beach Plum and Phragmites Riker boxes created this year |
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Log Entry 4/22/2014
Yesterday, I created labels for Wormwood and Winged Sumac Riker boxes. Today, I plan to laminate the labels and stick them on the back. I plan to attach the four front labels for the plants tomorrow. These were two of the specimens that were recently identified and pressed in the past few weeks. I also need to fix a mistake on an old Phragmites Riker box. Other than these, there are about ten specimens left unidentified. I can make a dent in the rest of those if I have time left over today.
Our herbarium photography equipment was delivered yesterday, so we plan to set it configured and set up soon. Danny and Alex are working on taking pictures of the finished plants.
Our herbarium photography equipment was delivered yesterday, so we plan to set it configured and set up soon. Danny and Alex are working on taking pictures of the finished plants.
Friday, April 11, 2014
Log Entry 4/11/2014
Today, I finished adding dates to my calendar. I also glued the back labels on the Hop Clover, Slender Goldentop, CoastBlite Goosefoot, American Larch. There is a box of empty Riker boxes in the classroom that need to be relocated. We organized the specimens and boxes in the cabinet the other day, so we're working to find a new home for these other boxes.
There were two full plant presses in the room. Today, we went through them and pressed five new plants. They include Strawberry bush, Phragmites Australis, Winged Sumac and two other unidentified specimens. I plan to label and finish the Riker boxes for the ones that are already identified.
There were two full plant presses in the room. Today, we went through them and pressed five new plants. They include Strawberry bush, Phragmites Australis, Winged Sumac and two other unidentified specimens. I plan to label and finish the Riker boxes for the ones that are already identified.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Log Entry 4/8/2014
This week, we discovered old Riker boxes in the shed. They are from MAST Herbarium 2011-2012 and they are poorly done, so I have to retype, reprint and reattach all the labels. Today I completed the front of the Riker boxes for American Larch, Coastblite Goose-foot, Hop Clover and Slender Goldentop. Tomorrow, I'll laminate and adhere the back labels for the four Riker boxes.
Friday, April 4, 2014
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These are three Riker Boxes completed this year, including Female American Pokeweed, Beach Plum, and Common Reed. |
This marking period, the plant pressing team and I completed 10 the Riker Boxes for ten plant specimens. We followed our plan of procedures for mounting and labeling the plants. Please refer to Construction Pictures for documentation of each stage of the process.
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Botanical field guides used in identifying specimens |
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Gluing the back label onto the Riker box using spray adhesive |
The labels are typed into a template I created in Microsoft Word. The font of the main front label is Poor Richard. All other text is in Times New Roman font. After the information has been researched and the labels have been typed, they are reviewed. The labels are checked for content, along with grammatical and technical errors. Once they are proofread and verified, they are printed. The back label is laminated and attached to the back of the Riker box with our spray adhesive. We completed this entire process ten times this year in order to create specimens that are accurate, accessible and informative.
After our visit to the Chrysler Herbarium at Rutgers University, we took greater care in the mounting of the specimens in the Riker boxes. Many of them had already been pressed with special features displayed separately and with roots. We made sure we included as much of the specimens as possible during the mounting process. One change we made, as directed by Ms. Lauren Spitz, was to bend the stems of the plants rather than cutting them.
When faced with three Riker boxes all containing the same specimen, we were able to come to a more informed conclusion about which specimen to keep. We took features from each of the three boxes and consolidated the plant into one Riker box. The plant is still unidentified.
Log Entry 4/4/2014
The final progress update presentations are now complete. We will be receiving the MP4 grade breakdowns today or Monday. Then, we will get to work to finish the remainder of the plant pressing work for this year. My plant pressing team and I will discuss the specific information we want to pass on to next year's team and discuss the transition from Riker boxes to paper mounting.
Plants ID but Not Labeled:
Seaside Lavender x2
Seaside Primrose
Tree of Heaven (invasive)
Rosa virginiana/ Rosa multiflora
Yellow Loosestrife
Sea Blite
Plants ID but Not Labeled:
Seaside Lavender x2
Seaside Primrose
Tree of Heaven (invasive)
Rosa virginiana/ Rosa multiflora
Yellow Loosestrife
Sea Blite
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Log Entry 4/1/2014
This week marks the end of the third marking period. This week and last week are Final Progress Update presentations. We will present the progress we have made in making the Riker boxes. We are having a professional come to help us with any questions we have with the website.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Construction Pictures
Riker Box Construction
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Ms. Lauren Spitz of the Chrysler Herbarium at Rutgers University demonstrating the proper specimen mounting procedure |
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Botanical Field Guides used to identify specimens |
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Members of the Herbarium identifying specimens |
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Back Riker box label cut and laminated |
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Gluing the back label onto the Riker box using spray adhesive |
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Attaching the two front labels under the glass of the Riker Box |
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Log Entry 3/25/2014
Today, I completed labels for Beach Plum and Grass-leaved Goldenrod. Tomorrow I plan to laminate the labels and finalize the specimens. I also completed my Marking Period 3 Progress Poster, which will be published to my blog tomorrow. Today was a very productive day despite an unnecessary discussion with the substitute.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Log Entry 3/21/2014
Today is the first day in the class since Monday. This week has been interrupted by two field trips and one assembly. Yesterday, The Herbarium team visited the Chrysler Herbarium at Rutgers University. We were in touch with the head of the Herbarium there regarding mentorship. We learned about their methods of collecting, pressing and preserving, mounting and labeling specimens.
We were given a tour of their Herbarium and Ms. Spitz described to us how her Herbarium is organized: from most simple to most complex. We were shown their photography set-up and we were given a demonstration of how the Chrysler Herbarium creates digital records of their plants. We were shown different ways of mounting specimens on paper and plan to make the transition from foam-filled Riker boxes to paper. We learned how to press and preserve submerged aquatic plants, and we will use these skills later in the spring when we may collect moss, algae and lichens. The information given to us my Lauren Spitz was eye-opening and the visit was extremely valuable.
We were given a tour of their Herbarium and Ms. Spitz described to us how her Herbarium is organized: from most simple to most complex. We were shown their photography set-up and we were given a demonstration of how the Chrysler Herbarium creates digital records of their plants. We were shown different ways of mounting specimens on paper and plan to make the transition from foam-filled Riker boxes to paper. We learned how to press and preserve submerged aquatic plants, and we will use these skills later in the spring when we may collect moss, algae and lichens. The information given to us my Lauren Spitz was eye-opening and the visit was extremely valuable.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Mentor Contacts
Date: 18 February 2014
Contact: Lauren Spitz of the Chrysler Herbarium
Reference: Plant Pressing/Herbarium Visit
Questions: When can we visit? What should we be doing differently?
Discussion: Recieved possible dates for a visit regarding Rutgers' spring break. Explained the importance of including all features of every plant.
Conclusion: We will be visiting the Herbarium and will continue to include as much as possible in our Riker boxes
Date: 20 March 2014
Contact: Lauren Spitz of Chrysler Herbarium
Reference: Herbarium Visit
Questions: In what ways can we improve our own herbarium?
Discussion: We were given valuable insight about methods of Collecting, Pressing and Preserving, Mounting and Labeling plants. We went through many finer details of each process and received advice about how to better run our Herbarium.
Conclusion: We will use the information from Ms. Spitz to make our Herbarium more informative and effective and accessible
Contact: Lauren Spitz of the Chrysler Herbarium
Reference: Plant Pressing/Herbarium Visit
Questions: When can we visit? What should we be doing differently?
Discussion: Recieved possible dates for a visit regarding Rutgers' spring break. Explained the importance of including all features of every plant.
Conclusion: We will be visiting the Herbarium and will continue to include as much as possible in our Riker boxes
Date: 20 March 2014
Contact: Lauren Spitz of Chrysler Herbarium
Reference: Herbarium Visit
Questions: In what ways can we improve our own herbarium?
Discussion: We were given valuable insight about methods of Collecting, Pressing and Preserving, Mounting and Labeling plants. We went through many finer details of each process and received advice about how to better run our Herbarium.
Conclusion: We will use the information from Ms. Spitz to make our Herbarium more informative and effective and accessible
Monday, March 17, 2014
Press Release
Today I completed my Press Release. This is the link to view the completed publication on Google Drive.
Friday, March 14, 2014
Log Entry 3/14/2014
This week, one of my classmates and I have been asked to work on a side project. The NAMES banner needs to be changed in order to join the quilt of the larger chapter in Atlanta, GA. We plan to continue to re-sew seams today.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Log Entry 3/11/2014
This week, some members of the Herbarium met with Alfonse to come up with issues with the website. We will be meeting with a man that will help us format some of the webpages. This week we plan to verify all the information on the website to ensure it is all accurate.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Log Entry 3/7/2014
This week I have made significant progress on my Press Release. I have done all of the formatting and have written the first two pages. I plan to complete it by the end of next week, in order to focus on the identification of specimens and construction of Riker boxes.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Log Entry 3/4/2014
Today I will attempt to identify the plants that were collected at the end of last week. We have a preliminary guess for two of them, but my teammates and I will use field guides to be sure.
Friday, February 28, 2014
Log Entry 2/28/2014
Monday 3/3: On Monday I plan to identify the new specimen that were discovered in the lab Wednesday and Thursday.
Tuesday 3/4: I plan to continue identifying any plants still unknown, and to begin creating labels. I will research the information for the labels including the two types of characteristics and photographs. I will do a Log Entry this day.
Wednesday 3/5: I will finish creating labels for the new identified plants by revising the information and the format.
Thursday 3/6: I plan to print labels and go to the Media Center to laminate them. I can attach them to the Riker boxes and finalize the specimen. I will do a Log Entry this day. Originally on the calendar I had planned to begin my press release. I am slightly ahead of the game because I have started my intro, but I will put it on hold until Friday.
Friday 3/7: I plan to continue writing my Press Release on Friday by finishing my Introduction and beginning the portion about Project Description and Mentor Involvement.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Log Entry 2/25/2014
Today a personal from the National Parks Service is coming to check out the Sandy Hook Interactive Herbarium display. We spent the majority of last week assembling our television and painting displays and getting parts of the website ready for display.
Friday, February 21, 2014
2/21/2014 Log Entry
Yesterday we created and printed the labels for Beach Plum. There are mysterious plants press in Riker box that the team hasn't let been able to identify. We have been able to rule our Russian Thistle because it does not grow on Sandy Hook and we identified one as a second Sea Blite. As soon as we can get past this confusion, I can create more labels.
Today, I plan to set up the presentation equipment for the Park Service which will take place Tuesday.
Today, I plan to set up the presentation equipment for the Park Service which will take place Tuesday.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
2/18/2014 Log Entry
Today is our first day back after the long weekend. I plan to create labels for the plants that we have identified, including Beach Plum and American Beachgrass. I will develop a new label for Invasive plants that we will now be including in the Sandy Hook Interactive Herbarium
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
2/14/2014 Log Entry
Today we finished going through the cabinet in class and identifying the unknown specimen. We plan to begin collecting in the spring as soon as possible.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Log Entry 2/11/2014
Today we went through the Herbarium things in the systems lab. Danny has cataloged the completed Riker boxes. The plant pressing team and I are working to identify and label the remaining specimen that have been pressed and mounted. Unfortunately, the specimen that are currently sitting in the plant press are too old and dried out to mount and label. We plan to make up for these specimens in our collection days in the spring.
Friday, February 7, 2014
Log Entry 2/7/2014
The entire class has finish their Formal Update Presentations yesterday and the day before. We have gone over the assignments and due dates for this new marking period. Next week, I will add dates to my calendar for MP3.
Monday, February 3, 2014
Log Entry 2/4/2014
Midterms are continuing this week after we lost class time for the snow day Monday. The Sandy Hook Interactive Herbarium's Formal Progress Update is going to be at the end of this week.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Log Entry 1/30/2014
This week I completed my Formal Update to Mentor. I plan to finish my Math and Science Report today or early next week. We will not be having class time to work on this because Midterms are starting at the end of this week and we will only have study periods. I plan to begin writing my Marking Period 2 Progress Update Presentation.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Marking Period 2 Mentor Contacts
Date: 7 January 2014
Contact: Ellen Bloche
Reference: Herbarium Mentorship Request
- Would I be able to be in further contact with the two professional plant pressers we met in May 2013?
- Is there someone else to which I can be referred?
She told me she would be forwarding my email to Administrative Curator Nicole Tarnowsky at the Steere Herbarium.
I am still awaiting a reply from Ms. Tarnowsky.
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Log Entry 1/28/2014
This week I have officially completed all my Developmental Work. I have written my Formal Update to Mentor, which includes an overview of all the work we have completed so far this year, and our plans to what to do in the future. I will send this to Alfonse and McD before forwarding it to my mentor. For the rest of the week, I plan to write and publish my Mentor Contacts.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Log Entry 1/23/2014
I have made changes to my Model post and included a picture of the actual riker box. Everything is available under the Developmental Work tag. Everything on my blog is final and I probably won't be needing any extra time to make up for the days I missed. Everything is up to date.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Log Entry 1/21/2013
This week I plan to finally finish my Developmental Work and finish my progress poster. I will create a final draft of my model. I am going to include my Bill of Materials, Model, Plan of Procedures and information about my Mentor to my progress poster.
Friday, January 17, 2014
AutoCAD Model
For my model, I am creating a 2D CAD representation of our American Pokeweed Riker box. I am displaying the specimen with front and back labels. This AutoCad drawing represents a completed specimen that is on display in the Sandy Hook Interactive Herbarium.
This plant was collected in the field and pressed in the plant press. I completed the labels with extensive research regarding General Characteristics and Interesting Facts. The labels are displayed here on the front top and bottom corners. The main informational label is displayed on the top left of the back of the Riker Box. The back label includes a visual representation and a QR code.
My model is a representation of the American Pokeweed Riker Box |
This plant was collected in the field and pressed in the plant press. I completed the labels with extensive research regarding General Characteristics and Interesting Facts. The labels are displayed here on the front top and bottom corners. The main informational label is displayed on the top left of the back of the Riker Box. The back label includes a visual representation and a QR code.
Log Entry 1/17/2013
I am now back at school after a one week absence. Since I have been back, I have completed my Bill of Materials and my model. My plan of procedures was done before I left. One mentor has come by to discuss ArcGIS with some of the other people of the Sandy Hook Interactive Herbarium team. I've been spending time trying to get back on track, although I am nearly caught up with my work.
Bill of Materials
The Bill of Materials is the list of every piece of equipment needed in order to carry out the Plan of Procedures. This list may need to be revised depending on which items we decide to purchase and use in our pressing process. We may also need to update quantities.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Plan of Prodecures
My role in the Sandy Hook Interactive Herbarium is to collect, press, research and label all the specimen. It is my responsibility to ensure the information presented is accurate and accessible.
- Determine the zone or region on Sandy Hook from which the plants will be collected. The zones include primary dune, secondary dune, thicket, freshwater wetland, maritime forest, salt marsh and submerged aquatic vegetation.
- Write a list of plants to look for. Look at map of Sandy Hook to determine specific collection site for your chosen plants.
- Gather all equipment necessary for collecting and pressing. The equipment includes clippers, jars, collection basket, and proper clothing gear.
- Travel to the site on marked roads or paths only, as there are many areas of limited public access on Sandy Hook.
- Look for plants that are in bloom and are in good
condition. Select specimens that exemplify the plant and include as many flowers,
berries, buds and burrs as possible. Clip a large sample of the plant.
Taking GPS coordinates of the plants in the field - Use the Garmin GPS to mark location of the specimen. Use the iPad to take a picture of the plant. Label the coordinate on the GPS with the name of the plant collected.
- Return to the lab to press the plants as soon as possible.
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The Herbarium team adding specimen to the plant press |
- Place the plant into the plant press on top of one
layer of paper and cardboard. Arrange
the leaves so they do not overlap or obscure any special features.
- Cover the specimen with another sheet of drying paper and cardboard. Repeat until the plant press is full with about 40 specimens.
- Tighten the plant press with nylon straps. The plant press must dry for about 10 days or two weeks.
- Put on safety goggles and open the Riker box.
- Remove the specimen from the plant press and place on the cotton. Keep the leaves in the same position to avoid breakage. Leave space for the label.
- Lift the specimen and spray the glue on the underside. Press into the Riker box cotton. Pat down the specimen to ensure it is attached.
- Allow glue to dry for one day.
- Open the Riker box. Have laminated and trimmed labels ready.
- Spray glue to the informative label and attach to the top corner of the front of the box, in the space allowed by the specimen. Repeat the process for the Common Name label on bottom corner of the front of the box.
- Seal and replace the pins in the Riker box. Turn it over and glue the laminated label to the top left corner of the box. Ensuring this label is secure is important because it is not protected by plastic.
- Allow glue to dry for one day.
Log Entry 1/7/2013
We are back from Winter Break this week. I have contacted Ellen Bloch from the Steere Herbarium at the New York Botanical Gardens for information regarding mentor-ship from the two professional plant pressers there. She has decided to forward my email to Nicole Tarnowsky, who is the Administrative Curator of the Herbarium.
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