Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Progress Update Poster Marking Period 3

Construction Pictures

Riker Box Construction
Ms. Lauren Spitz of the Chrysler Herbarium
at Rutgers University demonstrating the
proper specimen mounting procedure

Botanical Field Guides used to
identify specimens 

Members of the Herbarium identifying specimens

Back Riker box label cut and laminated

Gluing the back label onto the Riker box
using spray adhesive

Attaching the two front labels under the
glass of the Riker Box

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Log Entry 3/25/2014

Today, I completed labels for Beach Plum and Grass-leaved Goldenrod. Tomorrow I plan to laminate the labels and finalize the specimens. I also completed my Marking Period 3 Progress Poster, which will be published to my blog tomorrow. Today was a very productive day despite an unnecessary discussion with the substitute.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Log Entry 3/21/2014

Today is the first day in the class since Monday. This week has been interrupted by two field trips and one assembly. Yesterday, The Herbarium team visited the Chrysler Herbarium at Rutgers University. We were in touch with the head of the Herbarium there regarding mentorship. We learned about their methods of collecting, pressing and preserving, mounting and labeling specimens.
We were given a tour of their Herbarium and Ms. Spitz described to us how her Herbarium is organized: from most simple to most complex. We were shown their photography set-up and we were given a demonstration of how the Chrysler Herbarium creates digital records of their plants. We were shown different ways of mounting specimens on paper and plan to make the transition from foam-filled Riker boxes to paper. We learned how to press and preserve submerged aquatic plants, and we will use these skills later in the spring when we may collect moss, algae and lichens. The information given to us my Lauren Spitz was eye-opening and the visit was extremely valuable.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Mentor Contacts

Date: 18 February 2014
Contact: Lauren Spitz of the Chrysler Herbarium
Reference: Plant Pressing/Herbarium Visit
 Questions: When can we visit? What should we be doing differently?
Discussion: Recieved possible dates for a visit regarding Rutgers' spring break. Explained the importance of including all features of every plant.
 Conclusion: We will be visiting the Herbarium and will continue to include as much as possible in our Riker boxes

Date: 20 March 2014
Contact: Lauren Spitz of Chrysler Herbarium
Reference: Herbarium Visit
Questions: In what ways can we improve our own herbarium?
Discussion: We were given valuable insight about methods of Collecting, Pressing and Preserving, Mounting and Labeling plants. We went through many finer details of each process and received advice about how to better run our Herbarium.
Conclusion: We will use the information from Ms. Spitz to make our Herbarium more informative and effective and accessible

Friday, March 14, 2014

Log Entry 3/14/2014

This week, one of my classmates and I have been asked to work on a side project. The NAMES banner needs to be changed in order to join the quilt of the larger chapter in Atlanta, GA. We plan to continue to  re-sew seams today.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Log Entry 3/11/2014

This week, some members of the Herbarium met with Alfonse to come up with issues with the website. We will be meeting with a man that will help us format some of the webpages. This week we plan to verify all the information on the website to ensure it is all accurate.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Log Entry 3/7/2014

This week I have made significant progress on my Press Release. I have done all of the formatting and have written the first two pages. I plan to complete it by the end of next week, in order to focus on the identification of specimens and construction of Riker boxes.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Log Entry 3/4/2014

Today I will attempt to identify the plants that were collected at the end of last week. We have a preliminary guess for two of them, but my teammates and I will use field guides to be sure.